What is the greatest decision you will ever make in your life? Or putting it in a slightly different way, what is the wisest choice that you will ever make in your life? As we have seen throughout this book, the greatest decision you will ever make in your life is renouncing Satan’s kingdom of eternal death and darkness and henceforth entering into God’s kingdom of eternal life and light by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior. This happens when you sincerely repent all your sins and then truly believe and willingly receive Jesus Christ into your life to become your personal lord and savior. Immediately you do that, you are born again by God the Holy Spirit as you right away receive eternal life and become a child of God who is once and forever adopted into the family of God and is therefore destined to spend eternity in heaven, the eternal dwelling place of God! All this starts by first of all discovering and accepting the most painful truth about a fatal moral defect you have as a descendant of Adam of being a sinner both by nature and by choice in urgent need of salvation. This is followed by knowing and accepting that the only one who can save you from all your sins is the true Jesus Christ of the Bible—God the Son who became the God-Man about 2,000 years ago—and then He died and rose again paying in full for all your sins through which He made your salvation possible: if only you would sincerely repent all your sins and truly believe in Him as your personal lord and savior. Finally, this is followed by a destiny-defining moment when you choose without force or coercion to receive salvation which Yahweh God of the Bible is freely offering you by sincerely repenting toward God and truly believing in Jesus Christ. Once you do that, you will immediately become a true born again believer in Jesus Christ who is destined to spend eternity in heaven, the eternal dwelling place of Yahweh God of the Bible, the one and the only true and the living God there is.
Moreover, once you become a true born again believer in Jesus Christ who is destined to spend eternity in heaven, what follows next is to know and understand the following three facets of your salvation. The first facet of your salvation is justification which deals with the past: the fact that you were immediately saved from the PENALTY for all your sins in hell when you sincerely repented toward God and truly believed in Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior. Therefore justification helps you to understand “Your position in Jesus Christ” or rather what happened in you, to you and for you at the moment of your conversion when you were immediately saved from the penalty or the punishment for all your sins in hell. The second facet of your salvation is sanctification which deals with the present: the fact that you are currently undergoing a lifelong continuous process of being saved from the POWER of all sins every day of your life depending on the degree to which you yield to the guidance and the direction of God the Holy Spirit. Therefore sanctification helps you to understand “Your practice and conduct in Jesus Christ” or rather what should be happening in you, to you, for you and through you as you are continuously being saved from the power of all sins every day of your life depending on the degree to which you yield to the guidance and the direction of God the Holy Spirit. The third facet of your salvation is glorification which deals with the future: the fact that in the future you shall be saved from the PRESENCE of all sins when you shall leave this world and be ushered into the presence of God in heaven. Therefore glorification helps you to understand “Your permanent eternal state in Jesus Christ” or rather what shall happen in you, to you and for you in the future when you shall depart from this world and go into eternity in heaven and thus be instantly saved from the presence of all sins. So this book helps you to know why and how to be saved as well as what to expect after you are saved. Therefore, it is very hard for this book to just enlighten your mind with theological truths on the subject of salvation and fail to touch your heart and mind to consider very soon if not immediately to get saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior. Not, so! This is a practical book aiming not just at your mind but also at your heart hence it cannot leave you sitting on the fence undecided. It loudly calls you to make the greatest decision you will ever make in your life so that you can henceforth become truly and eternally saved.
It is therefore my prayer that if you started reading this book while you were unsaved that by the time you put it down, God the Holy Spirit will have convicted you and converted you into a born again believer in Jesus Christ who is truly and eternally saved. And if you started reading this book while you were already truly and eternally saved, then my prayer for you is that by the time you put it down, you will not only have been fully assured of your salvation but also you will have received unstoppable will and zeal from God the Holy Spirit to share the true gospel of Jesus Christ with all your unsaved family members, friends, neighbors, colleagues at work and even total strangers so that they too can become truly and eternally saved as you are. Therefore determine right now to be actively sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with all unsaved people whom God will allow you to meet or interact with whenever and wherever you are. Will you? Please do. And do it starting right now! Finally, if you have become a born again believer in Jesus Christ through the reading of this book, I would be glad to hear your salvation testimony. So if you don’t mind you can contact me on my website at www.thegreatestdecision.com. More importantly, may God bless you and keep you always in the centre of His perfect will for your life full of joy and peace!!